Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

In the spirit of the season, I am choosing to write an entry about what we have to be thankful for. As Realtors, in a less than stellar market, we still have to give thanks for many things.  We are able to be involved in the lives of many people and through this involvement we can help them find a great deal of happiness.  One of the truly exciting things we do on a daily basis is helping clients reach their dreams.  In some cases we help people sell an old home and move on to the next stage of life.  In others we help people find their first DREAM home and begin the stages of their lives.

Either way, it is always one of the biggest decisions our clients ever have to make.  Being the good Realtors that we are, I know we all do our very best to ensure our clients know that they have made the right decisions.  I am thankful that I am able to help.  I strive daily to be able to help in a manner which is as stress free and as easy and fun as possible.  There really is no better feeling than one where you can be proud of the job you did and knowing you have helped someone reach their dreams.

We all should be grateful for having a job.  While Realtors take a big risk as independent contractors, in most cases we do it for our own personal reasons.  Even though it has been tough financially for many, we still get to come to work each day and try to reach our goals.  For those of us who try hard and don't give up we find that reaching our set objectives is hard work but not impossible.  It is  fun to reach our goals and even exceed them.  We may not have made as much money as last year but at least we get to try each and every day.  As sales people we must understand that just trying is part of the job and part of the fun.  We can come to work, keep our heads held high and do the things we know are right to reach our objectives.  There are many many people who have no job to go to and who have lost most, if not all of their incentive.  We are lucky because in our job we always have incentive.  Hard work will always pay off in the end.  Either in the short term or in the long term, if we do what we should do every day the deals and the clients will come. This is a perfect reason to give thanks, a thanks for being in a position to have a chance to succeed and one that is entirely left up to us.

At the end of the year my office really puts it's best foot forward when it comes to doing community service. As individuals we always have something going on we have agents who have worked to raise money in events such as the Tour to Tanglewood, the Heart Walk, who have worked with the humane society on food drives, worked with Habitat and on and on.  As a team we have done many things throughout the year such as a blood drive, the Walk for Wishes,  and even had a yard sale and lunch gathering just to raise money to help out some sick team members that have struggled to make ends meet.  Here at the end of the year the team will join together to support the community by participating in the Festival of trees and to gather presents for everyone at Vienna Village which we will deliver to them and have a sing along of Christmas Carols. What a wonderful feeling to be able to bring a little bit of joy to those less fortunate than us.  I give thanks for having such a magnificent team to be part of.  I hope that in some small way I have helped them throughout the year, I know that I can not count the number of times they have helped me.  They have inspired me to do my best and to support them in any way I can.  I thank them all.

In closing I wish everyone a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!  Enjoy family and friends and come back next week ready to conquer the world each and every day.

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